
Tag Archives: Parents

How to Cope with a Child with a Learning Disability
20 Apr 2021

How to Cope with a Child with a Learning Disability

Being a parent to a child with a learning disability can take its toll even on the best of parents. But the good news is, there are many ways to cope, and in this day and age, a multitude of resources. While learning disabilities can be difficult to manage, they are not insurmountable. Keep in [&hel

How to keep your kid learning while stuck at home
20 Apr 2021

How to keep your kid learning while stuck at home

The closure of schools and other fun spots that kids frequent has forced a new reality on parents around the world; having the kids around all the time! As kids are ever agile, their developing brains needing constant activity most guardians struggle to keep up. Here are a few tips that might help.

Best baby names for 2021 (boys and girls)
20 Apr 2021

Best baby names for 2021 (boys and girls)

For those who stick to tradition choosing a name for their newborn is simply a matter of deciding which beloved relative to name them after. For others it takes months of agonizing; there are just so many options! This list provides the best of them to make your decision a bit easier. Liam Liam is [