
Tag Archives: Newborn

New-born Care Tips Every New Mom Should Know
20 Apr 2021

New-born Care Tips Every New Mom Should Know

Umbilical Cord Care Taking care of the Umbilical cord may seem a little bit scary because of how delicate it looks, but it is pretty easy when you know what to do. You don’t need to fear the cord getting wet after a bath, but you need to air it afterwards. Take care to avoid […]

Best baby names for 2021 (boys and girls)
20 Apr 2021

Best baby names for 2021 (boys and girls)

For those who stick to tradition choosing a name for their newborn is simply a matter of deciding which beloved relative to name them after. For others it takes months of agonizing; there are just so many options! This list provides the best of them to make your decision a bit easier. Liam Liam is [

Best Strollers for Newborns
20 Apr 2021

Best Strollers for Newborns

Planning for a newborn can be hectic, from the bills to the clothing, to the equipment needed. Minimize your stress by preparing for what you need beforehand. Instead of scouring the globe and running to every store in your area for the perfect stroller for your precious baby, compare some of the be